A Deeper Frame – Creating Deeper Photographs More Engaging Experiences

A Deeper Frame – Creating Deeper Photographs More Engaging Experiences

A Deeper Frame - Creating Deeper Photographs  More Engaging Experiences

The issue of restoring the illusion of depth—which is lost when the camera flattens the three-dimensional environment into two—begins with a DEEPER FRAME.

This eBook will assist you in comprehending concepts that artists have known for ages but are rarely given more than a cursory mention in mainstream photography. A DEEPER FRAME lists seven strategies for producing more captivating images by restoring a sense of depth to the flattened image. This will result in photographs that feel immersive and entice the reader to gaze not just at the image but also into or through it.

Size : 43.2 MB | English | 2019 | PDF | B0DN1MXGSZ