How It Works – Issue 198 2025

Published in January 2025, “How It Works” Issue 198 explores a wide range of fascinating subjects in history, science, technology, and the environment. Among the important pieces in this issue are:
Visit Planet Earth 2125: An examination of the possible changes that climate change may bring about on our planet over the course of the next century.
Amazing Solar System Craters: An exploration of some of the solar system’s most amazing craters.
Creating the World’s Deepest Parking Structure: An inside look at the underground parking structure being built beneath Australia’s most famous monument.
How Car Parking Sensors Operate: An explanation of the technology underlying contemporary collision-avoidance vehicle parking sensors.
A historical examination of the glacial processes that molded the biggest freshwater system in the world is presented in How North America’s Great Lakes Formed.
An story of the elusive deep-sea species that sparked centuries-old legends, “Finding the Colossal Squid.”
Amazing Nanotech: A summary of the ways in which technologies and materials at the nanoscale have the potential to completely transform a number of facets of our existence.
“How It Works” is well known for simplifying difficult topics into interesting and understandable articles, which makes it a useful tool for inquisitive minds trying to make sense of the world.
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