Sugar Savvy Solution – Kick Your Sugar Addiction for Life and Get Healthy

Sugar Savvy Solution – Kick Your Sugar Addiction for Life and Get Healthy

Sugar Savvy Solution - Kick Your Sugar Addiction for Life and Get Healthy

A fun and empowering 6-week program to getting your weight down and energy up by getting sugar savvy and resetting your taste buds and your attitude, from the founder of Energy Up!, High Voltage.

Unleash your inner girl power to take control of food so it doesn’t control you. Can’t eat just one? Yeah. There’s a reason for that. New science shows that when we overload on sugar our brain receptors actually change, making it hard to regulate how much we eat. Sugar is addictive. It lights up the same reward receptors and triggers the same cascade of feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine as cocaine. And when you’re shaky, irritable and looking for your next food “fix,” you may not even realize it—but you’re hooked. Like all of us, you just want to feel good and have energy for all the activities you do and love. But the foods you’re counting on to get you there inevitably make you feel worse…not to mention lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, wrinkled skin (truly), and even cancer. Enough! It’s time to take control of your health and happiness. To take control of your weight. To take control of food so it doesn’t control you. To get your energy up in a real, sustainable way. To get Fit, Fabulous, and Fierce. Sugar Savvy is the solution.

12.9 MB | EPUB | 9781621452676