The Five Principles of Parenting – Your Essential Guide to Raising Good Humans

According to developmental psychologist and podcaster Dr. Aliza Pressman, let go of perfection and become a good, transforming influence in a child’s life while defining success according to your own standards.
“My go-to resource for raising moral people, including ourselves!” Barrymore, Drew
Dr. Aliza Pressman is the kind, comforting professional we all need—and the one whose counsel we can all use—in this day of high-pressure parenting, when so many of us feel that we must do everything perfectly the first time. Dr. Pressman, who is already well-liked by fans of the popular podcast Raising Good Humans, simplifies everything into a few tactics that any parent may employ to make things right frequently enough: Relationship, Reflection, Regulation, Rules, and Repair.
The evidence is clear that there is no one “right” method to raise decent people, thus the 5 Principles of Parenting don’t try to give you “my way is right” parenting advice. You can begin utilizing The 5 Principles of Parenting to map out a reasonable path for developing decent people that is in line with your own values and your children’s individual temperaments, regardless of how you were raised, how your coparent acts, or how your children have been raised thus far. It’s never too late to learn how to employ these five principles to help yourself and your children develop the resilience they need to succeed, regardless of whether you’re dealing with a toddler or a tween (spoiler alert: childhood tantrums parallel adolescent tantrums). Along the road, you’ll realize that the person you’re ultimately parenting is yourself through practice and normalizing imperfection. We become better parents when we become more purposeful individuals. We become better persons by improving as parents. Let’s begin.
Size : 4.1 MB | English | 2024 | EPUB | 9781668014530 / 166801453X