The Future Built by Women: Creating a Brighter Tomorrow Through Tech and Innovation By Brooke Markevicius

The Future Built by Women: Creating a Brighter Tomorrow Through Tech and Innovation By Brooke Markevicius

The Future Built by Women: Creating a Brighter Tomorrow Through Tech and Innovation By Brooke Markevicius

Author(s): Brooke Markevicius
Publisher: Wiley
Year: 2024
Edition: 1
Language: English
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781394218554, 9781394218578, 9781394218561
Size: 2 MB
Extension: pdf

Overcome difficulties in the way of female entrepreneurs and founders.

Brooke Markevicius, Startup Product Leader of Riveter and veteran keynote speaker, writes The Future Built by Women, a captivating handbook to entrepreneurship for women. With a particular emphasis on the technology sector, the author discusses her exciting and timely experiences as a company founder. She discusses the four major contributors to success: tenacity, education, mindset, and support.

The book will walk you through tactics for overcoming problems in the technology business and entrepreneurship. You will also find:
Learn how to take your startup from concept to reality while navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship with confidence. Learn how to become “dangerously skilled” in technology, even if you aren’t an expert. As an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, you will learn how to use technology for the greater good.Discover how to define and refine your unique entrepreneurial equation. Discover your passion, purpose, and the way to your vision.
The Future Built by Women is an engaging resource for managers, executives, founders, entrepreneurs, directors, and other business leaders who want to see women at the forefront of technological, social, and business transformation.